Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Alternative for running shoes - Vibram FiveFingers, Gist, etc.

John V. Karavitis  Looks like there are a lot of alternative to simple running shoes that I'm going to have to look into.  From reading the book "Born to Run" (read my review on Amazon.com!), I learned about the Vibram FiveFingers (there are also vid clips on YouTube that are pretty good).  But, just now, from Gather.com, I learned about the "Gist FiveToes".  Looks like everyone is jumping on the "running barefoot" bandwagon.  The BIG question is, of course.... will Nike?  Will the company that started the whole jogging/running craze join in?  Won't that cannibalize their product lines?  John V. Karavitis


1 comment:

  1. I love vibram five finger shoes because this brings comfort to my foot.
